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Coronavirus Bucket List Family Edition

Anne Lopez

If you have kids at home, I'm sure you are trying to keep them entertained. While we recognize the seriousness of this global pandemic, we want to provide some ideas to make this a more healthy, positive and enjoyable time for the whole family.

Incredible coronavirus coloring sheet by Gemma Correll available on Badge Bomb

Incredible coronavirus coloring sheet by Gemma Correll available on Badge Bomb

  1. Plan and cook a meal together

    Let the kids choose what they would like to have for dinner. Give them options based on what you have on hand. Be open-minded and creative.

  2. Do some active activities

    Play a game that makes you move, even a little bit. Ping pong can be played just about anywhere with this kit. Bust out the Jenga, Bop It!, tabletop cornhole, or Twister! Have a dance party or play Simon Says, Red Light Green Light or Mother May I.

  3. Let the kids sleep in

    It’s important to keep a routine but let the kids sleep in once and a while.

  4. Start a family gratitude routine

    There are lots of ways to do this but here are a couple: High Low Buffalo, Gratitude Jar.

  5. Create a scavenger hunt

    Scavenger hunts don’t have to be complicated. Here are one and two indoor scavenger hunt checklists you can print out.

  6. Plan a family movie marathon

    Settle in with snacks, pillows and blankets.

  7. Color

    Coloring is so relaxing and meditative. And much more fun when you are coloring something that inspires you. Not everyone gets excited about coloring yet another Disney princess. Color these amazing Coronavirus Reward Stickers or check out all the printable options on this site.

  8. Help kids FaceTime their friends and extended family

    Try to keep your kids connected socially by setting up times to FaceTime their friends and extended family members. Encourage older kids to interact with friends via FaceTime or by phone instead of just texting.

  9. Have a talent show

    Have your kids organize a talent show complete with signs, snacks, judges and awards. If your kids aren’t comfortable performing, they can have their stuffed animals do tricks instead. Invite extended family to participate via FaceTime or Facebook Live.

  10. Do something for each child that means a lot to them

    Here's a list of ideas.

  11. Have a picnic

    You can have a picnic in the living room or in the backyard if it’s nice out. There’s no need to overcomplicate it. Just serve dinner on a blanket.

  12. Teach your kids how to wash their hands and reward them for it

    If you haven’t yet, teach your kids the proper way to wash their hands and make sure you are modeling good behavior. Rewards can be a controversial topic among parents, but this site lists lots of ideas.

  13. Spread some love with sidewalk chalk

    Create sidewalk chalk art for passersby. Write messages like: We will be okay, Lots to be thankful for, or Smile. Or draw hopscotch or this incredible obstacle course!

  14. Get crafty

    Make a stamp, game, car track or paper bead necklace.

  15. Have everyone learn a new skill and teach it to the rest of the family

    This is a great opportunity for each member of your family to learn from each other. Get everyone involved and have fun with it.

  16. Make and send postcards to friends and family

    Make someone’s day with a postcard. Print out one of these or this blank template or make your own on a piece of card stock or cardboard.

  17. Have a paper airplane competition

    Have everyone create airplanes and fly them through a homemade game board to earn points. Get instructions here.

  18. Make it memorable

    Capture memories of this unique time. Ideas: Make a video of each member of your family answering questions about this experience. Have each person write down their thoughts about this time. Take candid photos and create an album.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offers updated information.
The World Health Organization offers this advice.


Download the list and keep it handy.

Coronavirus Bucket List

Anne Lopez

Romeo Delivers has been dedicated to creating bucket lists. While we recognize the seriousness of this global pandemic, we want to provide a list of things you can do to stay healthy, positive and productive.

  1. Learn a TikTok dance

    There are many but here are one, two and three to try.

  2. Read a book that inspires you

    At the time of this posting, Amazon is still delivering. So order it up! Here are some suggestions: You Are A Badass, A Gentleman in Moscow, Sapiens, Untethered Soul, Grit, Atomic Habits, A Life Less Throwaway

  3. Binge watch a TV show

    Most of us have a little more time on our hands than usual. This is a great time to watch a show you’ve been curious about or re-watch a favorite.

  4. Bake a batch of cookies

    This is a great activity to do with kids if you have some lying around. If not, even better because you won’t have to share. Don’t forget to take a photo and send it to some friends or family. Maybe they will be inspired.

  5. Keep a daily diary

    Write down a few words every day about what is going on and how you feel about it.

  6. Do some spring cleaning

    Surely you have some deep cleaning you’ve been putting off. Clean out your car, your makeup drawer, under the sink, wash windows, or do some ‘scaping (land-, man- or woman-).

  7. Listen to an entertaining podcast

    While you are busy working on that cleaning project, why not take in an entertaining tale. Try one of these fine podcasts: Stuff You Should Know, S Town, The Happiness Lab, Serial, Invest Like the Best, How I Built This

  8. Try not to eat all your favorite snacks in one day

    We all stocked up and now our fridges and pantries are full of delicious food. For the sake of your waistline, try not to eat all your favorites snacks all at once.

  9. Get all crafty

    Get your mind off everything by focusing on making something. Download some paper printables here or here. Paint a rock. Make some little paintings like these. Get more inspiration here and here.

  10. Facetime a friend

    Even though we need to maintain social distancing, maintaining social connections is essential to your mental health. Go out of your way to connect with friends and family for your sake, and theirs. Schedule a FaceTime chat. Have a virtual drink with a friend. Call your mama.

  11. Repair something that’s broken

    Do you have a button that needs to be sewn on? Do you need to change a light bulb? Are there holes in your wall to patch? Do you have paint to touch up? Get some small (or large) projects out of the way. Here are some more ideas and fixes.

  12. Wash your hands, CDC style

    Learn to wash your hands properly. And teach your kids too!

  13. Tighten and tone at home

    Your gym and yoga studio are closed. You are surrounded by stockpiles of food. Time to get your booty moving. There are lots of body weight workouts online that require no equipment. Check out these on YouTube and these on Pinterest.

  14. Practice meditation

    Meditation is proven to reduce stress, control anxiety, improve sleep, reduce blood pressure and so much more. What are you waiting for? It’s the most inexpensive and efficient thing your can do to improve your physical and mental health!!! Here’s how to get started. Also consider downloading a mediation app.

  15. Go through your closet and make a box of donations

    Get rid of anything you haven’t worn in the last year. If you really want to declutter, read or re-read Marie Kondo’s The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up.

  16. Have a candlelit dinner at home

    Whether alone or with someone special, create a delicious meal and enjoy it without distraction.

  17. Spend the entire day in your pajamas

    You may still want to shower and pull yourself together. but be cozy all day long in some comfy pajamas. Yaaassss.

  18. Learn to juggle

    Give it a shot. If nothing else, you’ll laugh at yourself. If you are already an expert, I’m sure there are some TikTok dances you haven’t nailed yet.

  19. Do a one minute plank daily

    Planks strengthen your core and improve posture. Learn the basics here.

  20. Send a hand-written letter

    When is the last time you wrote a letter and sent it by snail mail? If there was ever a time, it’s now.

  21. Enjoy a spa treatment at home

    More self-care for you! This could be a long bubble bath, a face mask or the now popular, butt mask.

  22. Work on your gratitude routine

    Make a list of all the things you are missing from your everyday life right now so you remember not to take them for granted in the future. According to experts, “More than any other personality trait, gratitude is strongly linked to mental health and life satisfaction.” Learn more.

  23. Take an online course

    The internet offers endless opportunities to gain knowledge and learn new skills. Check out Skillshare, Coursera, Udemy and YouTube.

  24. Get some fresh air

    Open a window. Sit on your porch. Take a hike (while still honoring social distancing). But get some air!

  25. When this is all over, donate extra canned goods to a food pantry

    Remember, this too shall pass. And when we come out on the other side of this, hopefully, we will have learned, grown and been productive.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offers updated information.
The World Health Organization offers this advice.


Download the list and keep it handy.